Public Hearing

Town of Clintwood

Public Hearing

Community Development Block Grant (COBG) Urgent Need:

Purchase Generators for WaterPump Stations

The Town of Clintwood will hold a public hearing on April 8, 2025 at 6:00 pm at 248 Clintwood

Main Street to solicit public input on a proposed Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Urgent Need application to be submitted to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community

Development for the Town of Clintwood. Residents of the project area are encouraged to attend.

the project will include the following activities: Purchase Generators for the Town of

Clintwood's water pump stations.

The draft CDBG Urgent Need proposal will be presented for comment. Citizens will also be

given the opportunity to comment on Town of Clintwood's past use of CDBG funds. A fact sheet

on the proposed project is available at the Clintwood Town Hall. For additional information,

please contact Danny Lambert, Mayor.

Complaints and grievances can be submitted in writing to the Town of Clintwood at 248

Clintwood Main Street or by phone at 276-926-8383 or by email to

or jsteele until April 7, 2025.

If you plan to attend and have any special needs requirements, please call the number listed


Authorized by: Danny Lambert, Mayor