Public Hearing

Public Hearing

The Town of Clintwood will hold a public hearing on April 8, 2025 at 6:00 pm at 248 Clintwood

Main Street to solicit public input on a proposed Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Urgent Need application to be submitted to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community

Development for the Town of Clintwood. Residents of the project area are encouraged to attend.

the project will include the following activities: Purchase Generators for the Town of

Clintwood's water pump stations.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing

The town of Clintwood Mayor's Office will host a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 25,

2025 at the Town Hall on 248 Main Street, Clintwood, VA 24228, to announce that the Town is

considering applying for a Community Development Block Grant and would like to solicit

public input on local community development and housing needs in relation to Community

Development Block Grant (CDBG) Urgent Need funding for a project in your community.

Public Notice

Public Notice



SECTION 15.2-1802

Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the lown of Clintwood, Virginia, will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 202s, in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall located at 248 Clintwood Main Street, Glintwood, Virginia 24228. This is to consider and allow public comment on the proposed sale of property by the lown of Clintwood, Virginia.

The proposed property includes the following tracts, known and designated as tract 1 containing 0.087 acres more or less, tract 2 containing 0.087 acres more or less, and tract 3 containing 0.041 acres more or less, all as shown on a plat entitled "PLAT FOR CLYNIS PHILLIPS," prepared by Will R. Lester, dated November20, 2024. These tracts are located in the Town of Clintwood, Virginia and are part oft the same property conveyed to the town of Clintwood by a deed recorded in the Dickenson County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 512, Page 16.

Any citizen, taxpayer, or interested person shall have the right to attend and state his or her views orally or in writing on this ordinance.

A copy of the plat is available at the Clintwood Town Hal for inspection by interested parties.

Authorized by: The Cintwood Town Council

Judy Steele, town Clerk

Public Notice

Public Notice

Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-1418 Danny Lambert, Mayor of the Town of Clintwood has called a special called meeting of the Clintwood Town Council to interview selected candidates for the part-time office position at the Clintwood Town Hall.  The meeting will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Clintwood Town Hall located at 248 Clintwood Main Street, Clintwood, Virginia. 

Authorized by:  Danny Lambert, Mayor

Judy Steele, Clerk